tisdag 19 februari 2008

När man inte riktigt trivs på jobbet

solen skiner här
jag söker jobb
det finns många jobb att söka
men att jobba på "Fet´s" låter jag nog bli, koll här:

Reply to: see below
Date: 2008-02-18, 5:44PM PST

The place is cursed, it's true, the odd thing is it's hard to describe.
-maybe it's the micromanagement.
-maybe it's the security cameras.
-maybe it's the little things like charging for meals.
-maybe it's the condescending signs.
-maybe it's the feeling of hitting a dead end.
-maybe it's the tacky murals...

but a lot of people exit those doors happier than they were going in.
It's sad, Eric is almost a good boss.
Location: east van
Compensation: not enough

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

hehe. de erkänner det iaf!